7.6 Medical panel

7.6.1 Medical Panels referral | 7.6.2 Examples of referrals to the Medical Panels | 7.6.3 Pay medical panel accounts

To help resolve a dispute, medical questions can be referred to the Medical Panel Under the legislation, unless inconsistent with the context or subject-matter — Medical Panel means a Medical Panel constituted under Division 2 of Part 12 by a Conciliation Officer, Arbitration Officer, the Court and Agents.

The opinion of a Medical Panel on a medical question is to be adopted and applied by any court, body or person. It must be accepted as final and conclusive irrespective of who referred the medical question to the Medical Panel or when the medical question was referred.

The Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2013 empowers the Convenor of Medical Panels to issue directions as to the arrangement of business of the Medical Panels. These are published as 'Convenors Directions' and provide administrative guidance for referral.

Current versions available at the Medical Panels website.

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Medical Panels examination via videoconference

Medical Panels can conduct some examinations via videoconference. It is predominantly for psychiatric appointments, however, face to face psychiatric appointments can still be arranged if preferred by the worker. Referrals for physical injuries require the worker to undergo a face to face physical examination by a Medical Panel.